Hero Cosmetics

City New York
State New York
Country USA

We Can Be Heroes.

Here’s what we’re doing to become a more Earth-friendly company:

  1. Packaging overhaul. All our outer packaging now uses FSC-certified paper. The unit carton is responsibly harvested and produced with materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled materials, and/or FSC controlled wood. We’re also using innovative technology called “water-based coating” to give our packaging an eco-friendly gloss. 
  1. Offsetting our carbon footprint with Carbonfund.   We’re proud to announce that we’ve offset all our 2020 carbon emissions! This means investing in projects that prevent or remove the same amount of emissions of greenhouse gases elsewhere. We’ve offset 1,056 metric tonnes of carbon emissions – that’s equivalent to planting 17,500 tree seedlings grown for 10 years! 
  1. Planning for the future. We’re also conducting life-cycle analysis across all our products. This measures the environmental impact of our products from cradle, so we can make changes that will reduce our carbon footprint. 

Living more sustainably doesn’t have to be an overnight transformation, it can be as simple as taking small steps in the right direction. 

Two things you can do right now:

  1. Recycle your Hero Products. Learn about our product packaging and how you can recycle each one on our YouTube

Check out our Q+A with Carbonfund.  Learn about their mission – and how you can offset your own life!

“I want Hero Cosmetics to be a good social steward and to have a net positive impact on the world including the environment. We’re partnering with Carbonfund to help guide us through how we can make that happen.” – Ju Rhyu, CEO