
City Siegen
Country Germany

Standard chargers and conventional accessories may often meet their basic requirements. However, for us, that is not enough because at GreenHec, we believe that your mobile devices deserve more. For this reason, we have decided to develop innovative accessories that not only meet your expectations but surpass them. Our goal is to create products that are not only practical but also outstandingly functional, significantly enhancing the experience of every user. We rely on innovation to elevate your mobile experiences to a completely new level, so you are not just satisfied but thrilled.

Environmental Commitment:

We are focused on using recycled materials, we also choose our partners very carefully and assure that they do care about the climate as well, we also try to avoid long transportation and reduce waste and trash, we do also only own electric company cars.

We found Carbonfund because it’s an Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly partner. It’s our long-term goal to also make our products completely carbon neutral and believe that Carbonfund is the right partner to archive that.